Thank you for visiting the site "SENIN EVIN" (hereinafter referred to as the Site) posted on the Internet
1. This Agreement is a public offer and defines the conditions for the use of materials and the Site posted on the Internet for visitors
and users of the Site. This Agreement, concluded by accepting this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in
electronic form.
1.1 All information on the site is for reference and informational purposes only and is not a public offer,
determined by the provisions of national legislation.
1.2 SENIN EVIN, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, addresses this Offer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as
Agreement) to any person (unspecified circle of persons) who has expressed readiness
use the services of the Contractor. The contract is a public offer, the acceptance of the terms (acceptance) of which is the completion of
actions provided for in the Agreement.
1.3 Website is a collection of web pages hosted on a virtual server on the Internet at the address: and forming a single
1.4 Offer - this document (Agreement) posted on the Site. In accordance with the Agreement, the words offer and Agreement are equivalent.
1.5 Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by performing the actions specified in the Agreement.
1.6 Contractor - an individual or legal entity that has placed an offer and software that provides placement of the Customer’s information on the Site.
1.7 Customer is a legal entity or individual who has entered into an Agreement by acceptance on the terms and conditions contained in the offer.
1.8 User - any legal or natural person who has visited the Site.
1.9 Content - a set of text and graphic materials posted on the Site by the Contractor/Customer or third-party services.
1.10 The object of the Contract between the Contractor and the Customer is the Content posted by the Customer on the Site.
2. Information is posted in the following order:
2.1. The Customer independently places the Content on the Site in accordance with the instructions. The Content posted by the Customer must not contain
illegal or offensive information, propaganda of crime and other violations of current national legislation.
The Customer bears full responsibility for the goods (services), information about which is posted on the Contractor’s Website, while remaining
the sole person responsible for the defects of such goods/services, as well as for their conformity with the description, without reference to liability
third parties, such as: Contractor, suppliers, manufacturers, Internet services and other individuals and legal entities. The customer personally bears all
full responsibility in terms of compliance with the requirements of current national legislation related to informing authorized
authorities on purchase and sale transactions and rental contractual relations with real estate in all types, as well as on notification of tax authorities about
making a profit and paying taxes on this profit. By posting information about the property on the Site, the Customer confirms his/her
competence and availability of all necessary documents of authorized bodies for the right to dispose of this object.
2.2 After authorization, the Customer has access to the online showcase function for creating an offer to potential
consumers of goods and services. The Contractor provides the Customer with access to the personal account created for him by the Contractor on the Site.
The formation of Content is carried out by the Customer independently.
The content undergoes technical moderation by Site specialists and cannot contain goods and services that are limited or prohibited for circulation in accordance with
current norms of national legislation.
2.3 The Contractor does not provide services for the sale of goods and services of the Customer and is not an agent or intermediary in any transactions between
Customer and potential buyer/consumer of services. Interaction with the Site and Users
carried out by the Customer independently, the Contractor ensures the general functioning of the Site and the creation of the Customer’s personal account based on
2.4 The Contractor has the right to refuse, without giving reasons, the posting of information that, in his opinion, violates current legislation, the rights of third parties,
or does not comply with moral standards, or does not correspond to the theme of the site.
3. Any use of the Site is possible solely on the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement.
The User unconditionally and fully accepts all the terms of the Agreement by opening and viewing the pages of this Site.
expresses full agreement that the owner of the Site will consider your use (opening and viewing pages) of the Site as acceptance of all
terms of the Agreement from that moment.
4. If you do not agree with the terms of the Agreement, then you should immediately stop using the Site.
5. The User undertakes to independently familiarize himself with the Agreement and comply with all its terms without exception.
6. You agree not to disrupt, modify or interfere with the operation of the Site or related software, hardware and servers
no way. In addition, you agree not to modify in any form the information or materials located on or associated with the Site.
7. All materials on the Site are the property of the owner. You can receive and display content from the Site on your computer screen, print individual
pages on paper and store those pages electronically on disk (but not on any server or other network-connected storage device)
for personal, non-commercial use. You may not, under any circumstances, use materials from the Site for commercial or other purposes, and
other unauthorized use by publication, retransmission, distribution, performance, caching or other is also prohibited.
8. The User is prohibited from replicating, copying the Content and/or part of the Content, publishing, posting, distributing, selling and reselling,
publicly display or perform, broadcast it on radio or television by broadcast or cable, rework, translate,
make any changes to the Content, make it available to any person at any time of his choice (including via the Internet) and otherwise
use the Content on the Internet outside the Site. The use of the Content may be restricted by the owner at any time without
prior notice to Users.
9. The user fully understands and confirms that he/she uses the services entirely at his/her own risk. The Services are provided "as is" and "as is".
The Owner specifically emphasizes the absence of any guarantees, either expressed or unexpressed, including, but not limited to, guarantees of quality of services,
their suitability for a particular purpose.
10. The owner, as a bona fide manufacturer, makes every effort, but does not guarantee that:
- the services will meet the user's requirements;
- services will be delivered uninterruptedly, on time, error-free and safe;
- the results obtained from the use of the services will be reliable or reliable;
- the quality of any goods, services, information and other materials received or purchased by the user through the site will meet your
- any errors in the software will be corrected;
- downloading or otherwise obtaining any material while using the services is done at the user’s own risk, who bears the full
liability for any damage to his computer, loss of data and other consequences;
- no recommendations or information received by the user orally or in writing from the owner or through the services shall impose on the owner
guarantees other than those specified in the terms of this agreement.
11. Some product information, such as texts and illustrations, may have been created for use on all Internet sites,
supported in various regions of the world. Subject to change
data after their publication on the website. Prices are not guaranteed to be unchanged or error free. Deviations in color rendering are due to
technical capabilities.
12. The User fully understands and confirms that the owner of the Site is not responsible for any direct, indirect, accidental, special,
consequential or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, damages of use, loss of data or any
other intangible losses, damage to reputation and other damage (even if the owner has been notified of the possibility of such damage) arising from:
- use or inability to use the services;
- changes in the terms of the agreement, receipt of data in replacement of those acquired through or through the services or as a result of concluded transactions, messages and
information received from or through the services;
- unauthorized access to user data or modification of data transmitted by him or stored on the server.
13. The User agrees that he will indemnify the owner for any losses incurred by the owner in connection with the User's use of the functions
Site and (or) violation by the User of this Agreement and (or) rights to the results of intellectual activity of third parties.
14. The user is personally responsible for compliance with current national legislation when carrying out any actions
in relation to Content, including recording and storage.